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Deutsches Seminar

Phonetic Data Analysis


Research on language increasingly relies on the analysis of large databases and a large number of such corpora already exist, in particular for English. In spoken language, data analysis is more complicated compared to written language as the speech signal is a highly variable continuous stream of events which first needs to be processed to arrive at the underlying linguistic units. For this reason, phoneticians regularly resort to the aid of technical devices in order to record, file, edit and analyse large speech corpora. In this module we look at the technical side of phonetic database compilation, processing and analysis. The students acquire and develop skills and techniques necessary to carry out recordings of speech, organize and edit them efficiently and learn how to analyse them. We will look at sound recording equipment and software solutions geared specifically towards the need of phonetic processing and analysis.





Voraussetzungen Students are required to have passed an introductory module in linguistics at bachelor level
Leistungsnachweis Portfolio, bestehend aus Referat und schriftlicher Arbeit
Dauer Zweisemestrig
Angebotsmuster Jedes Herbstsemester
Credits 6 ECTS, benotet


Ba Major Deutsche Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft (120 ECTS Credits)
Ba Minor Deutsche Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft (60 ECTS Credits)

Dieses Modul wird durch das Institut für Computerlinguistik angeboten. Alle weiteren Informationen finden sie dort.